Hi Ali,
You're welcome! Thank you for responding!
I was worried when I wrote this that I might rub some parents the wrong way, but I hated how before I became a parent myself some parents would roll their eyes at me if I said something as simple as "I think parents should teach their kids not to hit other people." That's a sentence that got me an eye roll and a whispered just loud enough so I could hear: "She wouldn't understand. She doesn't even have kids."
(The irony was I had actually just found out I was pregnant that morning after health problems had prevented me from doing so for years. The "They wouldn't know. They don't even have kids comments." can be particularly unkind when people are actually trying to have kids and it's not happening for them for whatever reason. But that's another blog for another day.)
Anyway, you make a great point about having perspective because you're not in the immediate situation. That's what can make childfree friends such a great resource if parents are only willing to listen to them.
Thanks again!